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weapons charges are very serious and
unfortunately under weapons charges
there are very few defenses but if you
do have one of these defenses then it’s
very likely your case could get
dismissed one of the the common weapons
charge defenses we see here in the
district because the district is
surrounded by States like Maryland and
Virginia it’s a unique place where many
people from all over the United States
specifically the surrounding areas
Maryland Virginia Pennsylvania are
coming and going from the district
from other jurisdictions that are openly
gun carry states and so one of the
defenses here in the district if you are
charged with the firearm are that you
are properly licensed and registered
with your firearm in another state
whether it’s one of our surrounding
states or another state in the Union and
that you simply just did not know the
laws the gun laws here in Washington D.C
now ignorance of the law is never a
defense however here in DC when you are
facing serious felony firearm charges
not knowing the law but being properly
licensed and registered for your firearm
in another state is a defense that could
help mitigate consequences of a firearm
charge here in Washington DC
Washington, D.C. criminal defense lawyer Nabeel Kibria discusses the defenses that might be available against a weapons charge in Washington, D.C.