Guardianship Attorney in Portland, Oregon

What is a guardianship?

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so a guardianship is something that
happens through the probate court it’s
when a party who is not apparent files a
petition with the court to ask that they
become named The Guardian the legal
guardian of a child who is considered a
protected person under the statute and
there’s a process that has to be go
through the parents have to be given
notice it can be done with or without
consent of the parents but typically
it’s done with the consent of the
parents but if the parents do file an
objection then that’ll be a contested

Portland, OR family law attorney Matthew Muenzen talks about guardianship. Guardianship is established through the probate court when an individual who is not the child’s parent files a petition to be named the child’s legal guardian. The child, in this case, is considered a protected person under the statute. This process requires that the parents are given notice, and it may proceed with or without their consent. Typically, guardianship is granted with the parents’ consent; however, if the parents object, the matter will proceed to a contested hearing.

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