Franchise Attorney in New York, New York

What documents do I need to sell my franchise?

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if you’re the franchisor you’re going to

need the fdd

uh and you’re going to need the

application from the franchisee and

you’re also going to need all of the

agreements which are exhibits to the fdd

but ultimately the franchisee is going

to have to sign them there’s going to be

a franchise agreement there’s almost

certainly going to be a guarantee

non-disclosure agreements there are

agreements that cover trade secrets

there is typically a um a marketing

agreement there’s also typically

uh a an agreement that uh that covers

your you know your your confidential

information and it also covers you you

know the the method by which you’re

operating uh your franchise there’s a

operations manual that the franchisor is

going to apply to you so you have a

variety of documents that the franchisor

is going to

require of the franchisee to sign if

you’re a franchisee and you’re selling

you’re going to you’re going to need

all of those documents because they’re

all going to bind the franchisee who’s

taking over your franchise but you’re

also going to need

all of your business information because

if you’re a franchisee you’re selling

your business so you’re going to need

your tax returns you’re going to need

your profit and loss statements you’re

going to need a statement and list of

all of your creditors because they’re

all going to have to be dealt with in

the purchase of the business so you’re

going to have

what the franchisor is going to require

plus what the franchisee

who’s selling the business needs to

provide for any prudent purchaser of the


New York, NY franchise law attorney Richard L. Rosen discusses the documents you will need to sell your franchise.

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