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well we’ll sit with the franchisor and
we’ll go through all of the uh
information that the franchisor is going
to need to
uh set up the business what we can do
that is not uh you know is typical uh
and that is since i’ve been doing this
for so long and i’ve been on both sides
of the ledger i can tell them not only
what the franchisor is going to uh want
to be uh protected i can also tell them
what a franchisee is going to want to
feel that they’re getting a a a fair
deal i’m also going to
give the franchisor
you know insight into what all those
documents should contain and why not
what the franchisor needs to protect
itself and say this is everything i can
do to give myself the advantage over the
franchisee but also
what we feel is fair what a franchisee
is going to feel they need
because we like to put together a fair
set of documents so that is one of the
key things that i personally make part
of my discussion with the franchisor and
i do tell them if you want to get
everything that you can
to keep the franchisee under your thumb
i may not be the best guy for you if you
want to make a deal that’s fair for you
and fair for the franchisee
i can do that better than probably
New York, NY franchise law attorney Richard L. Rosen explains how he can help you set up a franchise.