Breach of Contract Attorney in Miami, Florida

What factors do you consider in deciding whether to file suit for breach of contract?

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Miami, FL commercial litigation attorney Robert Zarco talks about the factors he considers in deciding whether to file suit for breach of contract. Deciding to pursue a claim for a breach of contract in an agreement between two or more parties is a complex decision that requires a deep analysis of the rights under the agreement and an understanding of the real-world practical consequences of initiating such action. Legal professionals must consider corresponding business consequences when providing advice, and conversely, clients making business decisions or seeking business advice must be mindful of the legal consequences.

Key considerations involve determining whether the breach is a material one, significantly impacting the essence of the contractual relationship. In cases of a non-material breach, occurring infrequently with minimal financial impact, the potential business consequences may outweigh the benefits of pursuing a breach of contract case. Making decisions in such instances necessitates a thoughtful evaluation of both legal and business implications.

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