MN Rico Attorney

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for a statute that’s called the

racketeer influence corrupt

organizations act this was a statute

that was passed in about 1970 the statue

was written by Professor Blakely who

was or is at Notre Dame law school and

the idea was to use this statute to go

after organized crime the mafia and the

basic idea with Rico is it introduces

the concept of an Enterprise

and so an Enterprise is the criminal

organization and it attempts

to hold people responsible for the

wrongdoing of the Enterprise and so

there’s certain requirements to show

that there is an Enterprise and then

other requirements to show that the

person is acting within the scope of the


Rico’s interesting because it has both a

civil and a criminal uh

opportunity so you can be charged with

criminal Rico you can be sued for civil

Rico and their consequences can be very


and I’ve represented people in Rico

cases both civil and Criminal

it’s a it’s a powerful statute for the

government but it’s also or even a

private lawyer I mean I represented a

company that was sued by a multi you

know Big Time company for Rico it’s a

powerful weapon but you need to be

careful when you use Rico because

it can get turned around on you pretty

easily so if a person gets involved in a

RICO case they better go hire a lawyer

who knows what they’re doing

that would be my parting words of wisdom

Minneapolis, MN federal defense attorney Andrew Birrell explains what RICO is and why it originated.

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