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expungement in Virginia are currently
isolated to people who have maintained
actual innocence in their position of a
case so anyone whose case was null Prost
dismissed without a plea perhaps there
was an accord satisfaction or it was de
dismissed under a 19.2
298.2 should consider getting that
charge expunged because a charge that is
expungeable has a
tendency to make other people believe if
they see it that maybe it happened and
they got out of it some other way so if
you’ve maintained actual innocence and
your case has been dismissed and it is
expungeable then you should not have
this held against you any longer and the
initial arrest and the record
thereof shouldn’t be be visible and
impact your life going forward and
that’s why I think that it is important
to take that additional step to have
your case expunged even though it shows
up as dismissed because I think people
judge it for just being there
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Manassas, VA criminal defense attorney Nicole Naum talks about who should consider expungement.