Estate Planning Basics Attorney in Phoenix, Arizona

What are the basics of estate planning your clients need to know?

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the basics of probate that my clients
should know and anyone should know is
that it’s not a scary process probate is
a process by which someone has Authority
given to them usually by the court to be
able to gather up somebody’s assets
everything that they own whether that’s
Uncle Joe’s car or your grandmother’s
house somebody’s bank account and then
you collect those all together you pay
their debts and then you’re able to
distribute what’s left over to the
appropriate people whether that’s
because the person died with a will or
they died without a will because if they
die without a will the state they live
in has a plan for where their things go
and usually that’s to their closest
family members

Phoenix, AZ estates & probate attorney Carla Miramontes talks about the basics of estate planning her clients need to know.

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