Estate Planning Basics Attorney in Portland, Oregon

Should I have a will or a trust-based estate plan?

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so that is a question that comes up with
basically everybody that I deal with and
I learned throughout the years different
lawyers accountants financial advisers
and a lot of people have different
opinions on that and very some have very
strong opinions the approach that I’ve
always taken is I want to give people
the basic idea of what the advantages
are of a trust and that a will can have
some advantages too and not do a
one-sized fits-all convey that basic
information and allow the people to make
the best decision for them I mean I’ll
help them give them guidance where they
need it so that they get a
recommendation from me but it for me
it’s really all about having a
conversation listening to what’s most
important for people and then they end
up with trust when that’s the best fit
when they’re ready for them and
otherwise people stick with Wills which
are simpler and often times in Oregon
that’s fine

Portland, OR estates & probate attorney Steve Zipper talks about whether you should have a will or a trust-based estate plan. This question arises for nearly everyone the speaker interacts with, and over the years, various lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors have shared differing opinions on the matter—some holding very strong views. The approach taken is to provide individuals with a clear understanding of the advantages of trusts, while also recognizing that wills can offer benefits as well. The goal is not to implement a one-size-fits-all solution but to convey this foundational information, empowering individuals to make the best decision for their unique circumstances.

While the speaker provides guidance and recommendations as needed, the focus remains on fostering a conversation that prioritizes listening to what is most important to each individual. This process often leads people to choose trusts when they are the best fit. Otherwise, many opt for wills, which are simpler and, in many cases in Oregon, sufficient for their needs.

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