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So, you know what’s really interesting is you can google a lot of stuff and get really good data. Now the problem is sometimes you don’t know the difference between good data and not so good data. So, for example, on our website we have terminating a disabled employee without inviting lawsuits and everything from understanding the law. You know, you need to know the rules of the road to stay within the road and to not get in trouble.
So, there’s lots of really good articles on our website, on other people’s website. There’s a book that CLE publishes about how to do discipline and discharge. I wrote one of the chapters in this book, but other lawyers wrote other chapters. Really good stuff, not very expensive, all things considered. Job Accommodation Network is a service provided by the government to help you, “Hey, I’m not exactly sure what I’m supposed to do as a small employer.” Both the Minnesota Human Rights Department, the Minneapolis Civil Rights Commission, the Saint Paul Civil Rights Commission, the EEOC, all those organizations have hotlines for employers to call to say, “I’m stuck on this problem. Help me. What should I do?” And not very many people make use of those resources.
Minneapolis and St. Cloud employment law attorney Sheila Engelmeier discusses resources like “how to terminate a mentally ill employee without inviting a lawsuit” that can be found on her website.