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So, here’s something, I’ve been practicing for 28 years, and I’m also an employer. I’ve formed my own business almost six years ago, and I appreciate now more than ever, I don’t want to spend money on things that I don’t have money for. And the truth is when you’re thinking about, “How am I going to manage a disabled employee?” Or any employee for that matter. In compliance with the law it’s really a $750,000.00 question. That’s a big deal. Average what you pay your lawyer to defend a lawsuit is $250,000.00, and if you lose you pay the other side’s lawyer, average award about $250,000.00. So, when we say, “Hmm, do I have time today to make sure I have the right documentation? Oh, yeah. I do. It’s a $750,000.00 problem, so I’m making time for that one. I might have to skip lunch, but I’m making time for that.”
Minneapolis and St. Cloud employment law attorney Sheila Engelmeier discusses the $750,000 problem, because that’s how much it often costs to lose an employment lawsuit.