DWI/DUI Defense Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota

What Is Bail For A DUI? Are There Conditions Of Release?

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Usually on a first-time DUI where your test is under 0.20 and you don’t have an aggravating factor, it’s usually an issuance of a citation and a release. However, if you refuse testing, if you have a child in the car, or if you test over 0.20 even on a first-time offense, you could be forced to post a $12,000.00 bail in order to be released or go to court, wait until your turn to go to court, and be released conditionally. Those conditions could include what’s called a SCRAM system, which is a monitor that you would wear on your ankle. It measures your perspiration 24/7 to see if you’ve consumed any alcohol. Any alcohol use, you could get your conditional release revoked.

Additionally, there is a system, Alco-Sensor system, that’s attached to your phone line where you would have to blow several times a day to assure that you’re not using alcohol. Other counties use a color wheel test where you get called if your color pops up, and you have to go to the police department within a specific time period to give a sample of your usually breath or urine to assure that you’re not using alcohol or any controlled substances for that matter.

On a second-time DUI and greater, usually you have to post bail in order to be released or go to court for the conditional release.

Minneapolis DUI Lawyer David Valentini explains that bail can be as high as $12,000 and face conditions like an alcohol-monitoring anklet.

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