DWI/DUI Defense Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota

What Are The Consequences For A First Time DUI in Minnesota?

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The consequences for a first-time DUI at the court would be a – usually a stayed jail sentence or, for example, in Hennepin County you’ll get 30 days of jail time imposed. Twenty-eight days would be stayed, leaving two days, which is usually satisfied by doing two days of sentence to service. Not all counties impose a sentence like that. Perhaps you can get a stay of imposition of sentence. Other counties don’t require sentence to service or community service. There is always a fine associated with it. The mandatory minimum fine is usually $300.00 plus $78.00 in surcharges imposed by the court.

There will be a requirement in all counties to do something in terms of alcohol education. Hennepin County has a one-day DUI class. Dakota County has a one-day DUI class. Ramsey County has a little bit more intrusive program called an ASUDS evaluation and program, Driving With Care I or Driving With Care II. But those are usually imposed on top of it.

Minneapolis DUI Lawyer David Valentini says the consequences for a first time DUI typically impose a stayed jail sentence or sentence to service and a fine of $378.

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