DWI/DUI Defense Attorney in Roseville, Minnesota

Getting Out of Jail After a DWI Arrest

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DWI arrests are one of the few crimes where the legislature has stepped in and tried to tell judges how much bail they need to impose on a given case and bail is just the amount of money somebody needs to post to be released from custody. In a DWI case the most standard bail amount and the amount that was set by the legislature is $12,000.00. So there’s some circumstance where if somebody’s been arrested for DWI on a Friday or a Saturday or maybe a Thursday over a holiday weekend we can actually call a judge directly and ask them to automatically set that bail amount. We’ll then coordinate with a bail bond company and our new client’s family to try to arrange for a way to get that bail posted and get them out of custody before the weekend is done.

Roseville, MN DWI defense attorney Dan Koewler explains how he can get someone out of jail who was placed under arrest for a DWI.

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