DWI/DUI Defense Attorney in Roseville, Minnesota

Do I Have to Submit a Blood or Urine Test?

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If you are arrested for a DWI and you’re not on probation, you don’t have to submit to a blood or a urine test unless law enforcement show you a warrant. We fought at the Minnesota Supreme Court to make sure police needed a warrant to get blood and urine tests they’re simply too intrusive to allow officers to decide when they get to administer a blood test or when they get to force somebody to urinate in their presence. So the current state of Minnesota law is that you don’t need to submit to a blood or urine test unless you’re being shown a warrant that was signed by a judge.

Roseville, MN DWI defense attorney Dan Koewler explains whether or not you are required by law to submit to a blood or urine test for a DWI.

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