DWI/DUI Defense Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Can I Get A DUI While Riding A Bike, Segway, or Wheelchair?

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You certainly could be charged with a different crime besides a DWI, but when you talk about being arrested for a DUI, it’s usually on some type of a motorized vehicle. Although there was a recent case in Minnesota where a Segway is not deemed a vehicle for purposes of a DWI, and in Minnesota a motorized wheelchair is not a vehicle. It’s just a substitute for walking. So those are exceptions. But we know about a year ago in Proctor, Minnesota, somebody was creative and created a moving recliner. He got a DWI, and that was upheld. But a bicycle is not.

Minneapolis DUI Lawyer David Valentini explains that it is possible to get a DUI while on a bike, Segway, or wheelchair.

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