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well in any criminal defense case there
are several defenses that could be
available to to a defendant it all
depends on the case itself and the facts
around in the case and what exactly a
defendant did or did not do however in
certain drug cases the fact that you are
an addict could be helped to build a
defense around you also whether or not
you were in the in the act of
Distributing drugs or simply possessing
drugs for personal use as always uh you
know first line of defense distribution
comes with you know severe consequences
whereas possession does not simple
personal possession other clear
affirmative defenses simply could be
that you’re not in possession of the
drugs maybe the drugs were found in a
vehicle that contained several other
people including yourself or a home that
where several other people reside Beyond
yourself so constructive possession or
actual possession are defenses other
defenses could be knowledge you may not
have not knowledge of the drugs perhaps
they were planted so there are several
defenses that could go to drug crimes
however they vary greatly on a
case-by-case basis
Washington, D.C. criminal defense lawyer Nabeel Kibria talks about the defenses that might be available in a drug case in Washington, D.C.