Drug Crimes Attorney in Boston, Massachusetts

What defenses might be available in a drug case?

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when you’re defending a drug case the
first thing a defense attorney needs to
look at is whether there’s a way to
defend the charges before a trial and
that means determining how if there were
drug seized were they found did the
police have a search warrant if they had
a search warrant was it drafted properly
if they didn’t have a search warrant if
the police searched a person or searched
a car or a home did they do it with a
legal justification or basis and if they
didn’t there may be a way to defend and
defeat the case before even getting to a
trial at a trial a defense attorney is
going to want to look at could someone
else have been responsible for the drugs
in a case where a person is charged with
uh possessing drugs with intent to
distribute them were those drugs meant
for personal use rather than sale all of
these things are factors that an
attorney who’s defend a drug case is
going to want to look at in order to
determine what the best possible defense

Boston, MA criminal defense attorney Dan Gaudet talks about the defenses available in a drug case.

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