Drug Crimes Attorney in Boston, Massachusetts

What are overdose manslaughter drug cases?

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overdose manslaughter cases are cases in
which a person who distributes a
narcotic typically an opiate such as
heroin or fentanyl is charged with
manslaughter because the purchaser of
the narcotic suffered a fatal overdose
the distributor of that narcotic can be
prosecuted with manslaughter both state
federally in Massachusetts our firm has
the precedent setting case of
Commonwealth versus cillo in that case
the Supreme Judicial Court held as a
matter of law that the mere distribution
of heroin is insufficient to convict
someone of manslaughter since the cillo
decision we have continued to try to
push that law forward Cilla was decided
before the wave of fenel that has
consumed essentially the entire nation
but certainly Massachusetts as well
these cases are complex they
involve experts in addiction typically
emergency room medicine and forensic
toxicology in addition to in-depth
investigation our firm has handled a
number of them and we have been
successful in doing so and it’s
important to have an attorney who’s uh
experienced in this complex area of law
as the law continues to change

Boston, MA criminal defense attorney Nat Carney talks about overdose manslaughter drug cases.

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