Dog Bites Attorney in Columbia, South Carolina

What should I do immediately after a dog bite incident?

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so if you’ve been attacked by a dog in
South Carolina the first thing to do is
to ensure that you get the proper
medical treatment necessary oftentimes
you know the dog may have some sort of
communicative disease or rabies and you
need to get checked out properly
immediately after being bitten um on top
of that the best way is to document and
create an evidentiary chain and by doing
that often times the best way is to
contact the local authorities contact
911 or the local animal um wing of your
local authorities as well they can go
through and and figure out if that dog
happened to be rabbit if it was up to-
dat on its shots and can provide you
often times with the documentation
needed to support um a potential claim
for a dog bite or a dog bite

Columbia, SC personal injury attorney Mark D. Chappell Jr. talks about what you should do immediately after a dog bite incident. If an individual has been attacked by a dog in South Carolina, the first step is to ensure that they receive the necessary medical treatment. Prompt medical attention is crucial, as the dog may carry a communicable disease or rabies.

In addition to seeking medical care, it is important to document the incident to establish an evidentiary chain. A key step in this process is contacting local authorities, including dialing 911 or reaching out to the local animal control division. These authorities can investigate the situation to determine whether the dog was rabid or up to date on its vaccinations. This documentation can be vital in supporting any potential claim related to the dog bite.

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