Divorce Attorney in New York, New York

Should I get a lawyer to help if my New York divorce is uncontested?

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yes you should still

absolutely get a lawyer for an

uncontested divorce the biggest mistake

that most people make is they assume

that the court is a resource

in most cases unfortunately the courts

are helpful but they will not provide

you with legal advice so they’ll give

you the paperwork but they won’t tell

you what to do with it

so we have a lot of clients that start

off trying to bring proceedings on their


with their consent from their partner or

their spouse

and end up getting stuck in the legal

system because the courts are not

telling them what they’re doing wrong

and the only thing that they’re getting

is go see a lawyer

NY family law attorney Russel Morgan, Esq. explains why you should get a lawyer to help even if your New York divorce is uncontested.

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