No Fault Divorce Attorney in Los Angeles, California

Is California a no-fault divorce state?

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California is a no fa divorce State
since 1969 California has been no fault
I believe it’s the oldest no fault state
out there so essentially the Court’s not
going to consider fault whose fault it
was uh in giving the two parties the
divorce that they’re seeking and they’re
not going to award property or support
necessarily based on fault so none of
that testimony is going to come in whose
fault it was what happened in the
marriage what was the contributing
factor the demise of the marriage Etc
the Court’s not going to listen to any
of that

Los Angeles, CA family law attorney Robyn Santucci talks about California being a no-fault divorce state. California is a no-fault divorce state, having adopted this approach in 1969, making it one of the oldest no-fault states in the nation. In this system, the court does not consider fault when granting a divorce to either party. As a result, issues of fault do not impact the division of property or the awarding of support. Testimony concerning who was at fault, events that occurred during the marriage, or the contributing factors to the marriage’s dissolution will not be taken into account by the court.

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