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how long will it take you to get to
a divorce judgment
that depends on
how well you are able to resolve the
questions that arise from the breakup of
the marriage
with your spouse
if there’s mutual respect
and a view that you want to keep your
legal fees to a minimum
each party should sit down
when the right time exists
and talk about the reality of
how do we see
parenting time with our children how do
we see dividing up the bank and
investment accounts in the retirement
accounts how do we see dividing up the
our collection
what kind of spousal support if any
will be paid from one party to the other
and for how long
will there be child support paid
between the parties
if you go to court and you have the
make arguments
about why
you should pay more or less or keep more
or keep less
you’re guaranteed to have a much longer
divorce process
and a more expensive divorce process
than if you sat down
and even if it’s with the assistance of
but not go to court so that you’re
making those right decisions amongst
yourselves but in an educated manner
if you do it that way
you can be done in three to six months
at a much lower cost
than if you were to go out and fight for
thing that ever happened to you during
the marriage that was unfair
and you’ll save yourself a whole lot of
money in doing so
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NY family law attorney Ken Jewell explains how long it takes to get a divorce in New York.