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so every state is different we all have
our own laws for matrimonial law so in
New York New York enacted its own
version of no fault so you used to need
grounds to get a divorce one of the
grounds now to get a divorce in New York
state is essentially no fault we call it
irretrievable breakdown and all it means
is that for the past six months the
marriage has broken down and that one
party has decided that the marriage is
no longer uh able to be reconciled it
doesn’t require two- party consent one
person can initiate it by themselves the
only catch is that you need to resolve
what we call the ancillary relief before
the court will give you the divorce so
that ancillary relief is resolving
issues of custody around any children of
the marriage and resolving all the
financial issues around the marriage and
those financial issues are really in two
categories support either child support
or spousal support or eple distribution
Westchester, NY family law attorney Andrea B. Friedman talks about how no-fault divorce works in New York.