Divorce Attorney in Portland, Oregon

How does no-fault divorce work?

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so the way no fault divorce Works in
Oregon is the only grounds for divorce
are irreconcilable differences have led
to the IR remediable breakdown of the
marriage one does not need to specify
what those differences are and the other
party cannot contest that they can’t say
for instance no I don’t agree there
aren’t irreconcilable differences so
basically if a party wants to get
divorced in Oregon there will be a
divorce and the conduct of the parties
or of a party for the most part is
irrelevant you know infidelity uh abuse
uh and all the other things that can
lead to the breakdown of a marriage we
don’t talk about some of those things
can be uh relevant for child custody for
instance if there’s been domestic
violence that can affect the custody
decision but generally we don’t get into

Portland, OR family law attorney Michael Yates talks about how no-fault divorce works.
In Oregon, no-fault divorce is based on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, which have led to an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. There is no requirement to specify what those differences are, and the other party cannot contest them. For instance, they cannot argue that there are no irreconcilable differences. Essentially, if one party wishes to proceed with a divorce in Oregon, the divorce will occur.

The conduct of the parties, such as infidelity or abuse, is generally not relevant to the divorce process. However, certain behaviors may affect child custody decisions—particularly in cases involving domestic violence—but these issues typically do not influence the divorce itself. In most cases, conduct is not discussed during divorce proceedings.

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