Divorce Attorney in Maplewood, Minnesota

Can you provide a quick overview of the divorce process in Minnesota?

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sure there’s a lot of different ways it

can get started but probably the most

typical is one party decides uh to start

the divorce action and completes what’s

called a summons and petition and has

that personally served on the other


once service has occurred then it can be

filed with the court


an initial case management conference is

scheduled i believe most counties in

minnesota hold initial case management

conferences which is an informal hearing

to go through the issues of the case see

if alternative dispute resolution might


a process that would work for the family

those alternative dispute resolution

processes would potentially be scheduled

at that time or

if mediation is not appropriate perhaps

the court’s scheduling discovery

deadlines and a pre-trial

most cases get resolved through

some sort of alternative dispute

resolution and if not a trial would be

St. Paul, MN family law attorney Allyson Kerr provides a quick overview of the divorce process in Minnesota

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