Divorce Attorney in Nashville, Tennessee

Can you provide a quick overview of the divorce process?

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when a client files for divorce we then
arrange for the client spouse to be
served with process we typically use a
private process server and our staff
works with our clients to ensure that
the service of process goes smoothly
after the other party is served they
have 30 days to file an answer to the
complaint for divorce after they file
their answer we have another 30 days to
provide a response to their counter
complaint after that we begin the
discovery process which can be their
formal or informal where we gather all
the information we need to go to
mediation and try to settle the case if
we cannot settle the case at mediation
will typically get a trial date from the
judge take depositions and get ready to
try the case before the judge every
divorce case is different so each case
is unique in the way that it proceeds
from the beginning to the end but that’s
the typical process in the state of

Nashville, TN family law attorney Laura Blum gives a quick overview of the divorce process.

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