Child Custody and Visitation Attorney in Maplewood, Minnesota

Can you tell us about a memorable third-party custody or visitation matter you handled?

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one that stands out in my mind um

was a case

that i actually was not the attorney of

record on at the trial court but was the

attorney on for the appeal

um and then i represented them after the

appeal but it was a case where the

father had passed away

um and the mother had

certain issues that would not allow her

to provide care

or my clients didn’t believe appropriate

care for the child

i represented the grandparents who had

been denied their request for

third-party custody at the trial court


and we appealed that decision to the

minnesota court of appeals

the minnesota court of appeals after

reviewing the standards and our

presentation overturned the trial court

and sent it back to the trial court for

a full trial

with regard to custody

in that case

my clients were very happy that they

ended up with custody of the child and

child ended up in a very safe place

St. Paul, MN family law attorney John Jerabek talks about a memorable third-party custody matter he handled.

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