Criminal Defense Attorney in Boston, Massachusetts

Why is it important to have a lawyer for a campus discipline hearing?

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generally our practice focuses on Title
9 defenses in which a college student is
accused of sexual misconduct with
another college student Title 9 UM is
very difficult even for lawyers in some
cases additionally each school has their
own unique processes uh in terms of how
they adjudicate such defenses while
there are certainly commonalities each
School comes up with their own
methodology in terms of how the process
looks because the consequences to a
student are so severe if the um
misconduct is substantiated or they’re
responsible expulsion negative
consequences on your academic transcript
it’s very important to have a lawyer
advise you and guide you through the
process additionally a lot of these
cases that involve allegations of sexual
misc conduct do have a criminal
component and so it’s important that um
to ensure that the case does not evolve
into a criminal complaint if that can be
avoided um and if it does evolve into a
criminal case that the student will have
the best representation and a Continuum
of representation someone who’s familiar
with the facts the allegations the
witnesses the potential
evidence um so it’s very important to
have a lawyer with you guiding you
through this process

Boston, MA criminal defense attorney Nat Carney talks about why it’s important to have a lawyer for a campus discipline hearing.

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