Criminal Defense Attorney in Alexandria, Virginia

What does it take to be successful in the courtroom?

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one of the main thing to me I would say
is feeling comfortable with yourself and
you got to be yourself you know there’s
all kinds of different styles and you
can see people in court watching every
day and get caught by surprise by
somebody you didn’t expect to come in
and just knock it out of the park and
again all that matters at the end of the
day in court it’s not how the lawyer
comes across it’s the
result right so the main thing I think
about is be confident be prepared be
yourself and try to get to a place where
you’re not too nervous where you’re you
can roll with the punches um you can put
up with the ups and downs of even one
hearing or a trial or the TR trajectory
of a whole case don’t try to fake it you
know I think that’s probably the biggest

Alexandria, VA criminal defense attorney Chris Leibig talks about what it takes to be successful in the courtroom.

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