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So in an investigation you tell your work nothing. You treat coworkers and your boss just like you would treat your neighbors or family friends, you don’t tell them anything because rumor mills get started and it’s hard to stop them. You can’t control the police, you can’t control the press, but you can control your own mouth. As far as being charged, there are some professional licensures in some states that require that you report that. So if you’re a nurse or a doctor or even a real estate broker or a lawyer you might be required to report whatever you’re charged with to those boards and therefore, most likely you’re going to have to tell your employer. It’s important at that point to get an attorney to know what you have to report and what you should say but more importantly, have your lawyer say it because anything you say once you’re charged or even investigated can be used against you. What your advocate says cannot be used against you and that’s one of the major reasons to get an attorney early in the process.
Philadelphia, PA criminal defense lawyer Joseph Lesniak explains why in most cases you shouldn’t tell your employer about your criminal investigation.