Criminal Defense Attorney in Washington, DC, District of Columbia

The police want to search my house – what should I do?

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police show up at your door and they

want to search your home the first and

only thing you should ask them is do you

have a valid search warrant signed by a

judge if they show you a valid search

warrant which you are fully allowed to

read and inspect and it is signed by a

judge and it looks valid to you with

proper dates and signatures then you

should contact your attorney or a

attorney if they let you prior to

conducting the search but if there is a

valid search warrant then you must let

them search your home but if they do not

produce a valid search warrant signed by

a judge then you do not have to let them

into your home and you do not have to

let them search any part of your home

Washington, D.C. criminal defense lawyer Nabeel Kibria explains what to do if the police want to search your house.

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