Criminal Defense Attorney in Washington, DC, District of Columbia

How can I afford to hire a lawyer to defend me?

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first of all here at Irvin Cabrio law we

founded this firm on the basis that the

justice system should not be accessible

to only the wealthy or only the

privileged Justice and the system itself

and attorneys and Good attorneys to help

you through any legal matter should be

affordable however still there may be

some scenarios and there may be some out

there who cannot afford an attorney if

you cannot afford an attorney of course

the criminal justice system here in

America does offer you the services of a

public defender however there are a lot

of pitfalls that come with retaining the

services or choosing to go with a public

defender over a private attorney it’s

always advised that you should seek out

private counsel now if you cannot afford

private counsel perhaps you can speak

with private Council such as myself to

see if we can work out a payment plan if

not my recommendation would be to speak

to family members or friends because

facing a legal matter is a serious

almost life or death situation

and it’s worth it to maybe take a loan

from friends or maybe even take a loan

out from a bank but there are always

options and sometimes options can be

provided by the attorney themselves or

their firm so it’s always important to

ask and I’d always recommend to hire

private counsel

Washington, D.C. criminal defense lawyer Nabeel Kibria talks about how to afford to hire a lawyer to defend you.

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