Construction Litigation Attorney in Baltimore, Maryland

What advice do you frequently give to your construction clients?

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the advice I frequently give to my
construction clients um I’d focus on
construction defect cases we get a lot
of and that’s where your client maybe
did framing work or window work or HVAC
on a project and then you know five
eight 10 years later they’re getting
sued because there was some kind of
defect in their work that the owner uh
discovered or alleged to have discovered
and often times these can be smaller
companies if they’re you know they’re
they’re not the big general contractor
you might be representing a
subcontractor and the advice we often
give is while we can’t prevent you know
what happened on that past project we
really strongly advise you the next time
you’re working a project like this you
document everything take photos make
sure your contracts are protecting you
your insurance is protecting you make
sure you know what’s covered by your
insurance a lot of times these companies
can be told on the fly to change
something in their work that maybe they
don’t think is right or is not according
to the plans and when that happens we
just say you got to get everything in
writing because 10 years down the line
it could become you know he said she
said on on an issue like this and
hundreds of thousands to millions of
dollars can be at stake if it if it’s a
water intrusion case at a big property
or something like that and the owner is
looking to sue every contractor that
ever touched the building so in short
document everything get everything in
writing um keep your emails and your
corresponden organized and U make sure
you know what you’re signing make sure
you know what um if someone on a
Project’s telling you to do something
different than what you think is right
confirm it with someone else at the
project and also get it in writing and
if you have to walk off the project if
if you think this is going to be a
problem down the line because a lot of
times clients will stay on a project
because they can make you know they’re
being paid or they think they’re going
to get paid but it ends up costing them
tenfold down the line potentially so
those would be my uh biggest pieces of
advice I’ve given out recently

Baltimore, MD commercial litigation attorney James Howard shares his most frequently given advice for his construction clients.

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