Commercial Litigation Basics Attorney in Chicago, Illinois

What is your commercial litigation experience?

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commercial litigation and my experience

really encompasses a broad range of

cases in a general sense commercial

litigation really refers to any type of

business related dispute and that case

might be brought in federal court it

might be brought in state court and

we’ve handled commercial cases across

the country in a wide variety of

business disputes sometimes representing

the companies that are being sued

sometimes it’s one company suing another

company sometimes it’s a group of

individuals maybe investors suing a

company or an individual and so we’ve

had quite a bit of success trying

commercial cases here in Federal Court

and state court and also in other

locations throughout the country and I

think again really having a wide variety

of trial experience is what really kind

of sets us apart when you get in

commercial litigation because ultimately

it doesn’t matter what type of case it

is you’re bringing a skill set to that

case a theme for the case a theory

executing by way of deposition and and

then ultimately getting the case

postured for trial or trying the case so

I think having all the trial experience

really serves as a benefit when we’re in

the uh commercial litigation Arena

Chicago, IL trial attorney Michael Leonard discusses his experience in commercial litigation. He explains that my expertise lies in commercial litigation, which covers a broad range of business-related disputes. These cases can be brought in federal or state courts, and I have successfully handled commercial cases across the country. In these cases, I have represented both defendant companies and plaintiffs, including groups of individuals or investors suing companies or individuals. Our track record includes notable successes in federal and state courts, as well as other locations nationwide. The key differentiating factor is our extensive trial experience, which allows us to bring a comprehensive skill set, thematic approach, and effective execution to any commercial litigation case. Whether it’s deposition preparation, case strategy, or trial advocacy, our wide-ranging trial experience is a significant asset in the commercial litigation arena.

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