Commercial Litigation Attorney in Scottsdale, Arizona

How do you prepare your clients to testify?

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you must work

and work and work with your client

before they go to the courtroom

because your client cannot say things

like well I don’t remember that that was

five years ago

so you have to refresh their memory

you have to make sure that they know the

documents you have to make sure that you

are helping them anticipate questions

that will arise

you as the lawyer by the time you’re

getting ready to actually go to the

trial know the case better than the

client does the client’s sort of

forgotten it and left it in your hands

to deal with so when you get ready to go

to trial uh you better be sitting down

with that that witness and working with

them I tried a jury trial earlier this


I knew my client was going to be on the

witness stand for one day

I worked with him for three days going

over the documents refreshing his

recollection of things that began to

happen in 2014

before and continued to happen until the

lawsuit was filed in 2022.

that’s a lot of years


that’s a lot of things to remember

and then you have to make sure the

client always has a goal in mind

the goal is get the ball across the goal


so sometimes

questions don’t Advance the ball or

answers don’t Advance the ball

you can’t get involved in a sideline


about something that’s not moving the

ball toward the goal line and you have

to have ingrained in your client

where it is you’re going

and how you’re getting there

so that if he is ask a question that

comes out of left field

he can if you’ll forgive me this uh

uh judamo he knows how to field the


and make an assessment is this advancing

the ball or not

because you don’t want the the witness

up there fighting with the lawyer

the witness has to treat opposing

counsel the same way he treats you

so that the jury thinks he’s believable

and you have to have him prepared enough

that he’s confident enough that he can

do that and if you’re not doing that to

your Witness

you’ll be hurt

Scottsdale, AZ commercial litigation attorney Daryl Williams discusses how he prepares his clients to testify. He explains that it is crucial to put in extensive effort and work alongside your client before stepping into the courtroom. Clients often struggle to recall details from the past, so it becomes your responsibility to refresh their memory. This involves ensuring they are familiar with the relevant documents and helping them anticipate potential questions that may arise.

As the attorney, by the time you are preparing for trial, you should possess a deeper understanding of the case than the client does. They may have entrusted the matter to you and have somewhat forgotten the intricacies. Therefore, it is essential to sit down with the client, especially key witnesses, and extensively work with them. I recall a recent jury trial I handled where I knew my client would be on the witness stand for a day. To adequately prepare him, I spent three days going over documents and refreshing his recollection of events that occurred between 2014 and when the lawsuit was filed in 2022.

Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that your client always keeps the ultimate goal in mind. The objective is to move the case forward and achieve a favorable outcome. This means focusing on questions and answers that advance the ball towards the goal line. It is important to avoid getting caught up in sidetracks or arguments that do not contribute to reaching the desired outcome.

Your client needs to have a clear understanding of where they are headed and how they will get there. This way, even if unexpected questions arise, they can handle them skillfully and assess whether they are moving closer to the goal line. It is essential for your client to maintain a consistent demeanor and treat opposing counsel in the same manner they treat you. This consistency enhances their credibility in the eyes of the jury.

Preparing your witness in this manner not only builds their confidence but also ensures they can navigate unforeseen challenges effectively. If you fail to adequately prepare your witness in these aspects, it can be detrimental to your case.

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