Child Support Attorney in Boston, Massachusetts

How is a parent’s ability to pay alimony or child support determined in a MA divorce?

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determining someone’s income for um
child support in alimony can be
challenging at times it’s not so
challenging if you’ve got a W2 employee
however you also pursuant to the new Cas
La Cavanaugh in Massachusetts you also
have to look at all the perks and all
the benefits that someone receives in
that employment at W2 employment and try
to quantify those for child support and
for people that are self-employed own a
business determine their own salaries
those types of things are difficult
usually I will retain an expert on
behalf of my client um to determine what
the most appropriate amount of income
that they should be deriving from the
asset because someone could be earning a
very low salary and accumulating money
into in the business and and basically
you know retaining the um all of the
profits and not Distributing them it’s
got to be determined it’s got to be uh
looked at as a whole as to how the
income stream versus the value of the
business is

Boston, MA family law attorney Terri Partridge talks how a parent’s ability to pay alimony or child support is determined in a MA divorce. In navigating the complexities of determining income for child support and alimony, challenges emerge, particularly when dealing with W-2 employees. Aligning with the new case law Kavanaugh in Massachusetts, she emphasizes the importance of extending consideration to all perks and benefits received in W-2 employment, quantifying them for child support calculations. The intricacies escalate for individuals who are self-employed or own a business, exercising control over their salaries. Typically, she involves an expert on behalf of her client to establish the most appropriate income amount derived from the assets. This step is crucial as someone may earn a nominal salary while accumulating substantial profits within the business, necessitating a comprehensive evaluation of the income stream and the overall value of the business.

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