Modification of Child Support Attorney in Los Angeles, California

Support Modification: Can my ex have his support payments reduced if he’s not looking for work?

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If your ex-spouse loses his job and attempts to lower his support obligation, he may be entitled to do that. The court is going to want to know, however, is he seeking reemployment, is he seeking education? What steps is he really taking to try to get back into the labor force and try to come up again to maybe the earnings that he had before. Obviously if he has no earnings and he was laid off and it’s completely out of nowhere, he’s entitled to lower support for the period of time until he regains employment back up to the level that he was using to pay the support.

Los Angeles, CA family law attorney Robyn C. Santucci talks about the modification of support payments in regards to an ex who has lost their job. She explains that if your former spouse loses their job and seeks to reduce their support obligation, they may have the right to do so. However, the court will be interested in knowing whether they are actively searching for new employment or pursuing further education. It is important to determine the steps they are taking to reintegrate into the workforce and potentially regain their previous earnings. If they are currently without income due to an unexpected layoff, they are entitled to a reduction in support during the period until they secure employment and are able to meet their previous support payment level again.

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