Child Custody and Visitation Attorney in Rockville, Maryland

What sorts of issues do you see commonly arising in custody cases?

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custody issues generally fall into two
categories you’ve got legal custody
issues and physical custody issues so
legal custody issues have to do with
legal decisions that parents make where
does the child go to school their
medical providers their religion even
things like extracurricular activities
camps these are all legal decisions and
when parents are going through a divorce
often times they disagree fundamentally
about what their children might need
maybe one parent believes private school
is necessary and the other parent
doesn’t so the court has to resolve that
issue to determine which parent is more
fit to make that decision or should
these parents be required to make
efforts to make those decisions jointly
if the court believes they can
efficiently uh communicate with one
another then on the other side is the
physical custody so those physical
custody issues have to do with where the
child or children spend their days and
nights and overnights you know which
parent at which household during the
school year during the summer holidays
Etc how do you divide up all this time
you know this can come become quite
contentious as well and it feeds into
child support because child support
depends on physical custody where the
child spends the night dictates who pays
child support and how much so it kind of
wraps into the physical custody disputes
but those are the two sort of
overarching categories of of custody
issues that come into play

Rockville, MD family law attorney Stuart Skok talks about the sorts of issues she sees commonly arising in custody cases.

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