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so the first thing I always tell clients
is no matter what treat the other parent
the way you would want to be treated
even if they aren’t treating you the way
that you would want to be treated
because not only is the judge watching
but your child is watching and they’re
learning how to build relationships from
the example that you set and that’s
something that’s going to affect them
not just during their case but for the
rest of their lives long after the case
is over I also always tell people in um
child custody cases to think about
what’s in the child’s best interest
because that’s what the judge is
supposed to be examining and that’s the
standard so make decisions based on
what’s best for your child not
necessarily what’s best for you or for
your um other parent
Nashville, TN family law attorney Stella K. Mallinak shares the advice she gives clients who are fighting for custody of their children.