Child Custody and Visitation Attorney in White Plains, New York

Is New York a 50/50 custody state?

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New York is not presumed to be a 5050
custody state the law in New York is
best interest of the child which is a
very gray subjective standard but the
law is clear there is no presumption of
either parent having uh rights of
custody over the other one custody is
also a very complex word I often ask
clients what do you think the word
custody means it’s really broken down
into two categories it’s broken down
into decision making how will decisions
for your children be made and access who
will the children live with and when
will they spend time with the other
parent so it’s important to understand
what that really big word custody
actually means in New York state

Westchester, NY family law attorney Andrea B. Friedman talks about whether or not New York is a 50/50 custody state.

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