Child Custody and Visitation Attorney in Memphis, Tennessee

Can both parents have joint custody of a child?

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certainly I I tell people this all the
time joint custody are just two words
joined together and they mean nothing
until you fill in the blanks for
instance you can have joint custody and
only see your child one day a month but
on paper you have joint custody the
blanks are who has what time what is the
schedule now I know people say joint
custody and they usually mean
5050 uh yes that can definitely be done
if two parents have exhibited that they
can work together and co-parent and do
their jobs as parents I I see a lot of
5050 times just happening more and and
I’m a divorce father and I have two boys
they’re grown now but when they were
small we did week on week off and uh it
was good for them but their mother and I
were able to work together and do our
that’s the key

Memphis, TN family law attorney Daniel Loyd Taylor talks about whether both parents can have joint custody of a child. He often explains that “joint custody” is just two words joined together and means nothing until the details are clarified. For instance, one can have joint custody and only see their child one day a month, yet still hold “joint custody” on paper. The specifics come down to who has what time and the exact schedule. Often, when people say “joint custody,” they mean a 50/50 split, which is certainly possible if both parents have demonstrated they can work together, co-parent, and fulfill their roles. Many more 50/50 arrangements are happening now. As a divorced father with two boys—now grown—he practiced week-on, week-off custody when the children were younger. This arrangement worked well because both parents could cooperate and do their part, which is key.

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