Car Accident Cases Attorney in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

What if my insurance company offers to settle my car accident case?

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if you don’t have an attorney and your
insurance company is offering to settle
your case then they are trying to get
off cheap if you want to get full value
for your claim you really need to
involve an attorney an attorney will
virtually always be able to get you uh
more money than if you just work
directly with the insurance company um
there are some circumstances where there
might be very limited insurance but in
most cas es bringing an attorney in will
not only get you more money but you need
an attorney to look at all the available
insurance coverage um sometimes there
are policies homeowner policies and
other things that will cover your auto
accident case um that you may not even
be aware of

Philadelphia, PA personal injury attorney Leon Aussprung M.D., ESQ. talks about what to do if your insurance company offers to settle your car accident case. Without an attorney, an insurance company’s settlement offer is often an attempt to resolve the claim for less than its full value. Engaging an attorney is essential to maximize the claim, as an attorney can typically secure a higher settlement than a client would obtain negotiating alone. Although certain cases may have limited insurance coverage, an attorney is crucial in identifying all possible insurance sources, including lesser-known policies like homeowner’s insurance that may also apply to an auto accident case.

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