Car Accident Cases Attorney in Brooklyn, New York

How does insurance work in car accident cases?

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in most states including here in the

state of new york we are what is

referred to as a no-fault state meaning

that if you are in an automobile


and the other driver has insurance that

your medical bills for a certain amount

of money are

paid for by the insurance company

before there’s any

third party case meaning any potential

other money that could come in if you

have to thereafter sue because of other

injuries that may have been incurred in

most cars you have to be insured by law

you are supposed to be insured obviously

if another car is not insured that’s

another issue altogether if a motorist

is uninsured then they are fully liable

for any injuries that you have incurred

so if by chance a motorist does not have

insurance even though by law they are

supposed to have insurance all that

means is that they then become


liable if they are at fault

for the damages to your vehicle and for

any medical bills that may be necessary

as a result of your injuries

Brooklyn, NY personal injury attorney Jordan Jodré explains how insurance works in a car accident case.

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