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Yes, absolutely. A major part of what I do is helping families get through the process of passing assets down. Assuming that the decedents – the previous owners – did not do any planning, we have ways to try and work with families to help them understand what the law is and what the entitlements are.
It may be different from what they think they should be getting, so we help them through that process, whether we take them through a probate or not, depending on how the assets were held.
But we work with many families in those situations. We hold meetings with family members. We explain the process to them. If necessary, we can work with all of them with the consents and waivers that’s necessary in case they keep fighting each other, but we help families go through that process rather easily.
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Minneapolis Business Succession Planning Attorney, Ivory Umanah, talks about helping family members fighting over assets in the ownership of a business.