Business Litigation Attorney in Los Angeles, California

How much does it cost to hire a good business litigation lawyer?

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The cost of hiring a good business litigator really depends upon the extent to which you desire to litigate a case. Is it only through the point of a demand letter or are you actually going to go through trial? And that actually depends on a client’s appetite for litigation, appetite for spending a significant amount of money. And, therefore, depending upon their appetite they could spend as little as $10,000.00 or as many as a half million dollars depending on the length of the litigation that they have the desire to pursue.


It’s important for a client to understand in advance what their exposure and what their budget needs to be in order to bring a case to the point in the trial process that they want it to end at. Because, otherwise they end up spending $100,000.00 with the intention of going to trial and not getting halfway there.

Los Angeles, CA commercial litigation attorney Brian M. Grossman discusses some factors that determine the cost of hiring a good business litigation lawyer.

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