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One of my earliest TBI cases a number of
years ago was a a teacher in a New York
City public school and uh he was
actually teaching in the school and
there was a fire and so the school had
to evacuate for the fire alarm and as he
was running to the stairway a student
pushed the door open and just the corner
of the door hit him in the in the temple
and you know at the time he did he
didn’t U think was that serious he was
able to evacuate the school but over the
course of weeks and months he developed
significant um manifestation and
evidence of traumatic brain injury he
lost his ability to speak he lost his
ability to walk his cognitive skills
were greatly decreased he had horrible
headaches just a lot of the common type
of injuries you see with a traumatic
brain injury and so this was someone
whose whole you know whole life was
affected and we were able to take his
case and present that case to a jury
New York, NY personal injury attorney Michael Ronemus tells the story of a memorable traumatic brain injury case he handled. In one of the earliest traumatic brain injury (TBI) cases encountered by the speaker several years ago, a teacher in a New York City public school became the victim. While fulfilling his teaching duties, a fire incident prompted the school’s evacuation due to the fire alarm. In the course of evacuating the school, a student unintentionally pushed the door open, resulting in the corner of the door impacting the teacher’s temple.
Initially, the teacher did not perceive the incident as severe and successfully evacuated the school. However, in the ensuing weeks and months, he displayed significant manifestations and evidence of traumatic brain injury. The teacher suffered a loss of speech and mobility, a noticeable decline in cognitive skills, and severe headaches—typical symptoms associated with traumatic brain injuries. The repercussions on his life were profound.
The legal team successfully represented the teacher, presenting his case to a jury for consideration.