Banks and Financial Institutions Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Can you tell us about a memorable financial institution case you handled?

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sure we handled a good case that dealt
with a broker dealer who was growing
they made a big push in the market
locally and regionally and in order to
do that they targeted some very very
good teams with a lot of assets under
management from some very big uh local
broker dealers in town obviously we got
a number of letters and a lot a number
of threats from the attorneys for these
institutions saying oh you’re rating
you’re taking our our clients you’re
taking our employees it really has to do
more with competition and ultimately
it’s who pays more money who treats
employees and their financial advisors
and dealers better and that’s ultimately
going to win the day and it’s all a
bunch of threats and and uh and

Minneapolis, MN commercial litigation attorney Jesse Kibort talks about a memorable financial institution case he handled. The firm represented a broker-dealer involved in a significant case as it sought to expand its market presence both locally and regionally. In pursuit of this growth, the broker-dealer targeted several successful teams with substantial assets under management from prominent local broker-dealer firms.

Consequently, the firm received numerous letters and threats from the attorneys representing these institutions, accusing the broker-dealer of poaching clients and employees. However, the situation was fundamentally about competition, with the outcome largely hinging on which firm could offer better compensation and working conditions for its employees, financial advisors, and dealers. Ultimately, these threats were perceived as mere bluster within the competitive landscape of the industry.

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