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so the difference between an assault and
battery it’s very nuanced assault is
generally the term for the touching of
another person without their consent
criminally usually criminally assault
usually comes with pushing shoving to
all the way up to you know punching
hitting you know striking with Force
whether with a weapon or not battery is
more so somewhat of a term that comes in
the tort version of assault where it is
simply a you know unwanted touching of
another here in Washington DC we don’t
really see the term battery a lot it
mostly is assault and assault again is
the physical touching of another person
without their consent and most common
place is any form of you know touching
that somebody just doesn’t want we
usually see that here as a criminal
defense attorney pushing or shoving you
know a bar fight punching but it can
also be words it doesn’t necessarily
have to be physical touching it can be
threatening or stalking I have many
clients who’ve been arrested simply for
arguing with a friend or a spouse or a
significant other on the streets you
know threatening to hurt somebody is
technically also assault under the law
Washington, D.C. criminal defense lawyer Nabeel Kibria explains the difference between assault and battery in Washington, D.C.