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I’ve had a lot but I’ll mention this one
merely because I did the argument this
morning um in the federal court down the
street in Alexandria it was appeal
appeal about the right to a jury trial
and what they call a petty offense in
federal court so a lot of people don’t
know this but even though the Sixth
Amendment says a jury trial right
applies in all criminal prosecutions it
doesn’t if you’re charged with a
misdemeanor in federal court that
carries only up to 6 months in jail
often this would be like on the national
park there is no right to a jury trial
so I challenged that back in 2009 to the
fourth circuit and I have another case
raising that which I argued today on
this level it will lose the case needs
to be decided by the US Supreme Court
and I really think that’s interesting
because because in federal court you
essentially don’t have the right to a
jury trial on a DUI it’s harder to
negotiate it’s hard for the clients this
kind of stuff so really this is just an
issue I’ve always been interested in and
I hope to argue it in the fourth circuit
later this year
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Alexandria, VA criminal defense attorney Chris Leibig talks about a memorable criminal appeal he handled.